
תקנון באנגלית

1. Generally




1.1. The web site www.khalifashoes.com and/or www.khalifashoes.co.il (the web site) is a virtual store that was raised and set up by "Khalifa shoes".


 The use of the web site is offered to costumers when it is conditioned on accepting the conditions, circumstances and messages that are in this paper, as they are written, and the use of this web will be considered as an agreement for all of the conditions, circumstances and messages.


 The costumer that is using this web site declares and obligates that he or she are aware of this paper and agree with its instructions.


All of the substances in the web, names of brands, trademarks, pictures, specifications and all of the rights on the substances are preserved to "Khalifa shoes" or the companies that holds the name or brand.      


There will not be any duplication or copyng without a written permittion from "Khalifa shoes".




1.2.  Each person who commits an action in the web site declares and obligates that he or she is aware to the web regulations and agrees to its substances, that person will not have any demand or complaint, directly of indirectly, against the operator of the web or someone from his behalf.


 Action means – a purchase action of something that is been offered throw the web ite.




2. Who is allowed to make purchases on this website.


Every person who is qualified to make a purchase action from the web merchandise or a legal group or company that is been recognized by the Israeli authorities and is authorized to make a purchase on the web site.


A purchase through this website will only be through a credit card.


"Khalifa shoes" will get authorization to the credit card action through the credit cards companies' prayer to authorize an action.


 Without authorization, the purchase will not be completed.


In order to make a purchase from the website, costumers will be required to submit an e-mail address, and that is mandatory  condition for making any purchase in the website.




3. The products are new in their original packaging.




A privies condition for a perches is if the company has the product in question.


In the case in which the product was so longer available but it's status was not updated yet in the when sight, "Khalifa shoes" would not be obligated to sell the merchandize, and the client won't have any claim or legal demand as long as "Khalifa shoes" has updated the client with the absent of the merchandise in question, and "Khalifa shoes" will return any charges (if one was made) and return the full amount.




 4. The pictures in the web are for demonstration only.




There might be color differences between the picture and the actual merchandize.





5. The prices on line are final and no negotiable. The price is Tax included and does not include shipping fee.

 Charge will be executed in NIS, in accordance to every exchange rate and with additional fee according to the client negotiated terms with their bank. No claim or complaint for that matter should be addressed to "Khalifa shoes".



6. Prices update:



Are been done once in a while, and requires excessive work by man power, that means that there can be some human errors.


There for if there were some typing mistakes – a digit missing or incorrect or a letter missing or wrong, "Kalifa shoes" is not obligated to provide that product/service.


"khalifa shoes" obligate that mistakes like that can be made only unintentionally and must be viewed as human error. If a client suspects that an error has been made or if there is something not clear please contact us by mail: store@khalifashoes.com .




7. Times of order, supplying and shipping.




 The perch is in registered mail.


With registered mail "Kalifa shoes" can't be held acounabal becomes once the package has been handed over in the mail office, it's out of "Kalifa shoes" control. There for arrival time is only up to the mailing services and should be expected to be delay.


In general in the case of lack of communication, telephone wise or computer wise, higher power events, strikes or closure and cetera .


Under the circumstances that delivering the product is impossible, "Khalifa shoes" is entitled to cancel the sell and retrieve the customer all of the money.




If a customer is interested in a different shipping method contact our customer service by e- mail: store@khalifashoes.com and we will try to assist you in any means.


From purchasing moment, "Kalifa shoes" will do the best effort to sip the merchandise as soon as possible.




Shipping fee will be determent according to the place of resident of the customer.




8. Changing merchandise.


There will be NO returning of merchandise or canceling transactions.




 1. Changing will be only with the original packaging.


 2. Trying merchandise on a clean carpet or floor is allowed for no more than 10 

     minutes for exchanging.


 3. Shipping the merchandise back to us will be on the expense of the costumer.



Remember: we send the merchandise following your request and description (size, color and model), if there is no doughty that a mistake was made solely on our behalf we will be responsible in all shipping expenses to correct it – only if we can't shall the costumer receive all of the money back.




An exchange will be allowed only after been examined by us and was found feet – only then will the exchange occur.




9. Guarantee


9.1. Guarantee is only on a problem in the making of  the merchandise and not on something caused by miss handling the

        merchandise. A problem that was caused by miss handling of the merchandise will not be attended to.


9.2."Khalifa shoes" guarantees to return the merchandise to an appropriate usable condition, it's by "Khalifa shoes" discretion alone to

      decide to provide the costumer with a new pair under the place of a problematic one.

9.3. A merchandise cannot and will not be called defected if the costumer has made even one step with it outside the hause or walked

       with it for more than 10 minutes inside (therefore – was used).


9.4The guarantee is for no more then 6 months.


There is NO guarantee for penetration of water into boots.




10. In any dispute, the judging authority will be held in the authorized law authorities in Jerusalem, Israel